The registration period for the „Green Bistrița” contest ends on Wednesday, 31.08. 2022, the date by which the persons and associations of owners can register at one of the 3 sections of the competition either by submitting the registration form to the address bistritaverde @ gmail.com, or completing it at the town hall headquarters on Gh. Street. Șincai, no. 2 – Public Relations Center.
The representatives of the municipality remind those interested that during the period 1.09.-15.09.2022 the vote is held online in all three sections:
- „The most beautiful flower garden for the house,
- „The most beautiful balcony with flowers”
- „The most beautiful flower garden for blocks of flats.
In order to participate in the online vote you must use the iReport Bistrița mobile application, which can be downloaded from the App Store and Play Store.
After installing the application on your mobile, you need to create an account on this platform, log in and access the „Public Consultation” section. Here you will have the opportunity, starting with 1 September 2022, to express your opinion on the „most beautiful …” in the 3 sections. Each person can vote only once for each section.
The citizens’ vote represents 25 % of the value of the final score, and the evaluation commission’s grade represents 75 % of the final score.
The winners will be announced in the local media, for each section being allocated three prizes:
first prize – 500 lei;
second prize – 250 lei;
the third prize – 150 lei.
„We are therefore waiting for you between 1 and 15 September 2022, on the mobile application iReport Bistrița, section” Public consultation „, to appreciate, by your vote, the most beautiful gardens and balconies with flowers entered in the competition! „, Transmits the bistrita municipality.