The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), informs potential beneficiaries that, between August 19 and 2 September 2022 inclusive, receives Requests for exceptional aid granted to agricultural producers in the plant sector, in accordance with Decision no. 1032 / 18.08.2022 on granting exceptional aid to agricultural producers in the vegetable sector, published in the Official Gazette no. 817/2022.
This financial support scheme aims to provide a financial grant to agricultural producers in the plant sector, in support of expenditure incurred between 24 February and 12 August 2022, with the acquisition of material resources, respectively of fertilizer products and / or plant protection products and / or diesel, necessary in 2022 on areas with fruit plantations and/or with fruit bushes and / or vineyards on the fruit with wine grapes, which use resources efficiently, manages nutrients and applies environmentally and climate-friendly production methods through the agricultural maintenance of the plantations they carry out.
Applications are submitted / sent (by fax / mail / electronic) to the APIA Centers where they submitted the Single Payment Application 2022. APIA provides applicants with pre-printed forms of the application for exceptional aid, uploaded with data taken from IACS – Single Payment Application 2022: identification data, declared areas and crops (codes of culture), and they must check / complete / correct if applicable.
The documents attached to the application are the following:
- a copy of the supporting documents for the purchase from suppliers of the necessary material resources, respectively fertilizer products, diesel, plant protection products, as appropriate, issued between February 24, 2022 and August 12, 2022;
- copy of the bank coordinated document provided that the bank details are different from the bank details entered in the single payment application 2022;
- self-declaration on VAT registration – Annex 11 to the Applicant’s Guide:
-for non-VAT applicants, the entire amount entered in the procurement supporting document will be settled;
-for applicants registered as VAT payers this is not settled by exceptional aid.
The documents submitted / transmitted in copy by the beneficiary, will bear the phrase “according to the original”, will be dated and mastered by signature by the beneficiary.
Beneficiaries must meet the following eligibility conditions:
- a) to request exceptional aid by submitting the application to the APIA center to which it is rounded;
- b) be registered in the APIA records with the single payment request 2022 with areas declared by the field with fruit plantations and / or fruit shrubs and/or with vineyards per fruit with wine grapes, as specified in the codes referred to in Annex No 1; the declared areas fall within the range of at least 0,1 ha inclusive, up to a maximum of 200 ha even if the areas declared in the single application 2022 are greater than 200 ha;
- c) to purchase material resources on the basis of supporting documents, such as fiscal documents and invoice, fiscal receipt, resulting in the identification data of the applicant’s name and surname / name, between February 24 and August 12, 2022;
- d) to maintain the area related to crops for which they receive exceptional aid, in the application year 2023.
The unit financial grant is in the amount of 875 lei / ha, the equivalent of the amount of 176.80 euro / ha, established at the exchange rate of 4.9489 lei for 1 euro in accordance with the provisions of par. (6) of art. 1 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467.
The amount granted to the beneficiaries is obtained by multiplying the unitary financial grant, expressed in lei / hectare, with the area declared with fruit plantations and / or fruit bushes and/or with vineyards per fruit with wine grapes, from the single payment application 2022, expressed in hectares and may not exceed the maximum value of 175,000 lei / beneficiary.
If the payment amount calculated by multiplying the unit financial grant, expressed in lei / hectare, with the area declared with fruit plantations and / or fruit bushes and/or with vineyards per fruit with wine grapes, from the single payment application 2022, expressed in hectares is greater than the total value of the supporting documents submitted for the material resources purchased, then the amount representing the total value of the supporting documents is approved. If the calculated amount is less than the total value of the supporting documents submitted for the material resources purchased, then this calculated amount is approved.
The total financial resources necessary for the implementation of the aid scheme are 126,150,673 thousand lei, the equivalent of the amount of 25,490,649 thousand euros established in accordance with the provisions of art. 1 para. (6) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467, which shall ensure:
- a) 63,075,3364 thousand lei, the equivalent of the amount of 12,745,3245 thousand euros, non-reimbursable external financing according to the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467;
- b) 63,075,3364 thousand lei, the equivalent of the amount of 12,745,3245 thousand euros, from the state budget in accordance with the provisions of art. 2 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467 and within the limits of the budgetary provisions approved for 2022 to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with this destination. If the centralized amounts exceed the financial resources approved for this destination, the amount of exceptional aid shall be reduced proportionately for all beneficiaries.