The blocks that rise on Grănicerilor Street came to everyone’s attention some time ago, when the neighbors of the land signaled that the legal steps would not have been followed. Things seem more dubious than that, especially since Betlar Construct bought the land from a head of finance, which later „borrowed” the manufacturer with no less than 100,000 euros.
Betlar Construct prepares 4 blocks of flats on Grănicerilor Street. They would have 4 and 6 floors, respectively. The project received the endorsement of local councilors and the necessary approvals from Bistrița City Hall since last summer.
Neighbors on Grănicerilor Street have filed complaints everywhere, trying to stop this project. Eventually they addressed the court. Through a file registered last autumn, Peter Adrian Dorel requested the annulment of the act issued by the Local Council, practically the authorizations for lifting the blocks.
The Bistrița-Năsăud Tribunal ruled in May this year and rejected the bistritan’s request. Moreover, he also obliged him to court costs amounting to 10,000 lei. Discouraged, people left her to fate.
The real estate investor Betlar Construct SRL raises 4 blocks on Grănicerilor Street. According to the documentation approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, on more than 6000 square meters will be raised 4 blocks: 3 with height regime D + P + 4E + 2Er and a building with a height regime D + P + 3E + Er.
In total, 150 apartments would be arranged in the 4 blocks. The manufacturer is committed to providing 1865 sqm (ie 30 %) green space and to arrange 120 parking spaces for those who will purchase apartments here.
In order to be able to build such tall buildings, the builder needed a derogation from the General Urban Plan, in the form of a Zonal Urban Plan. According to the General Urban Plan of Bistrița, the land of 6,216 sqm is located in the urban area of Bistrița, the subarea of individual housing with discontinuous construction regime with maximum height of Gf + 2, outside the protected area and partly mixed area (high-duty housing, institutions and services).
The builder requested through PUZ the classification of the land in the L3 area, which allowed him to build blocks there and with 6 floors.
A local councilor accused the builder of pressure
The way this project went through the Local Council of Bistrița is at least bizarre. The draft was made available to advisers only two hours before that meeting. How things went and what pressures were put, revealed USR adviser Nicolae Pavelean. He reported in a Facebook post that the developer would have put pressure on him to vote favorably.
„From the analysis I did in the short time I had available, it appears that some urban indicators of the project do not fall within the regulations of the General Urban Plan of Bistrița (…) For me, the PUZ Grănicerilor project is not justified because it is nothing more than a derogation from the existing regulations. (…) I also listened to the point of view of the developer who in turn also said his wishes, but in a much harsher way I could say and unlike the citizens of the neighborhood. He tried to reach local councilors in every way and through any knowledge and to influence them to vote for his project. Personally, I was surprised after being called to a meeting with a person I could not say I know very well. However, he dared to ask me to vote for PUZ Grănicerilor, telling me that he is related to the developer who would find it very difficult and unprofitable to reduce the height regime of the building. What the developer did not know is that it is simple for me, the technical arguments, the arguments of legality are those that prevail in any discussion, but those related to the fact that we know each other or are friends or even relatives do not work. If he had come to explain to me that this project complies with all the regulations, it would have been appreciated, but to come and ask for the vote just like that on beautiful eyes does not work, explained the counselor in a Facebook post.
Strange is the fact that although the draft received an unfavorable vote in the committees convened (which took place just minutes before the actual meeting), the councilors changed their minds in those 15 minutes between the votes and decided to support the project.
What do the neighbors of the blocks of flats claim
Among the obligations imposed on the manufacturer by the opportunity opinion are: public consultation during the elaboration of proposals. The information and consultation of the public was to be carried out before the documentation was submitted on the technical approval circuit.
Exposing a poster in the town hall. Information panels on the land in question, but also proof of written notification regarding the intention to achieve the objectives of PUZ of the landowners neighboring the studied area.
Well, the people in the area claim that this is not respected, they were not informed: “The direct neighbors were not notified about the new project. No panel was placed in the area with the project version voted. From this point of view, the legislation was flagrantly violated „, it is shown in one of the complaints filed at Bistrița City Hall.
The head of finance sold the developer’s land, after which he borrowed it
However, other dubious issues regarding this project come to light. The 4 blocks are built on 60 areas of land. It seems that part of the land, it is said that 20 areas, would have belonged to a head of the County Administration of Public Finance.
Pop Vasile Radu allegedly sold the land to Betlar Construct in the fall of 2019, with almost 200,000 lei. The information was made public by the head of finance, in his 2021 declaration of assets.
On top of that, the information disappears in the 2022 statement and at least one interesting one appears. Thus, Pop Vasile Radu borrowed, in his personal name, the builder to whom, two years earlier, he had sold the land. The loan granted to the builder Betlar Construct would be in the amount of 107,000 euros. The official’s declaration of assets does not include a deadline by which he must be returned.
Bad mouths would say that such a loan would actually be a artifice to mask a money laundering and hide the origin of some funds. Basically, Betlar Construct, which bought for 200,000 lei the land from the Finance official, would have to pay, two years later 107,000 euros to his seller.
Pop Vasile Radu’s right to reply:
Following the article „Doubtful” loans between a builder who lifts blocks on the Granicers and a head of finance „published on 22.08.2022 in the Gazette of Bistrita signed by – Andreea Moldovan- in which they presented themselves so as to seem „doubtful” certain aspects related to my person make the following clarifications for the clarification and correct information of readers :
The undersigned Pop Vasile Radu domiciled in Beclean Bistrita Nasaud county, we purchased in 2003 a land with an area of 2303 sqm in Bistrita str.Granicerilor that we sold as follows :
-year 2018 – 516 sqm to LIDL SA Romania at the price of 360343 lei with collection in 2018.
- year 2019 – 1787 sqm to Betlar Construct SRL Bistrita at the price of 207000 euros with collection :
– 2019 60,000 eur – equivalent 284988 lei
– 2020 40000 eur – equivalent 194880 lei
The difference of 107,000 eur becomes maturing at 2 years after obtaining the construction permit (It was obtained in 2021).It is a receivable receivable .
The amounts appear in the wealth declarations related to each year .
Under similar conditions, they sold land to the two companies and former (field) neighbors .
So in reality there is nothing dubious .
The transactions were carried out by notarial documents, and the receipts by bank, in a transparent manner, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.