The Cluj company Deltamed collected another contract of several million euros from the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) the tarla of Raed Arafat. The Cluj company Deltamed is famous for receiving many of the IGSU contracts and institutions within the Ministry of Health. For example, most ambulances, many of SMURD and fire engines are delivered by Deltamed. This time, Deltamed will deliver trucks equipped with robotic equipment for the detection of chemicals and nuclear substances.
IGSU signed two contracts with the Cluj company Deltamed (12687 – Framework agreement for the supply of robots and 76520 Busescu robots), the first worth 29,095,000 lei, excluding VAT, the second in the amount of 23,276,000 lei, excluding VAT, for the purchase of trucks with which it will be intervened in cases where there are fires in which chemicals or nuclear substances are involved. Even if it was the only company that could submit a bid, the subcontractors are Volvo Romania – which provides preventive and corrective maintenance services during the warranty period, technical support, spare parts and consumables. The second subcontractor is the company ZEN CORE S.R.L which will provide the preventive and corrective maintenance service of the loading / unloading elevator. The third subcontractor is the third party company is the Trucks Solutions Garden, with which Deltamed has collaborated.
The company was established in 2017 and until 2019 went on a loss. But three years ago, the company came to have, starting from scratch, a turnover of over 91 million lei. The company belongs to Gardeneriu Andrei Călin (son) and Gardeneriu Radu (father). The company was originally named HYDROSERIES – S.R.L.
Zen Core is one of the collaborators of Deltamed, the service of the company being in the same locality as those from Deltamed. The company belongs to Dreve Dan Ionut, Lakatos Laszlo and Lar Ovidiu Samuel.
Robots will have chemical and nuclear detection sensors and will have the role of extinguishing fires, smoke evacuation and hot gases, transporting injured persons and releasing access roads. „Given the industrial concentrations, as well as the fact that the geographical area in which Romania is located is characterized, in recent years, by a process of modification of some geo-climatic characteristics, which has led to the manifestation of risk factors that have evolved into disasters, some vulnerabilities are identified in the occurrence of major industrial accidents, including those at risk of SEVESO. The aim is to reduce the negative consequences of major accidents, especially in those involving dangerous or nuclear substances, in particular for the health and life of intervention staff, by purchasing robot trucks, „the IGSU tender specifications are shown.
Deltamed ambulance factory
Deltamed is owned by GORGAN VASILE DAN (majority shareholder), TOPARCEAN RAZVAN ADRIAN, GAVRILA GEORGETA DANIELA, OSAN DAN IOAN and OSAN GEORGE MIHAI. The company’s administrators are Topârcean and Gavrilă. According to the Ministry of Finance, last year the company had a turnover of almost 94 million lei and a profit of 3 million lei
Deltamed, one of the leading suppliers of ambulances and medical equipment, has won contracts of tens of millions of euros from the state. Between 2010 and 2012, SC Deltamed, the company of the Cluj Dan Gorgan, won over two million euros from auctions organized by various county administrations that wanted to buy SMURD type ambulances and equipment related to such medical services. At that time, the Ministry of Health bought mobile blood collection centers worth over one million euros. The deal was done through the undersecretary of state of the Ministry of Health, Raed Arafat, one of the relatives of SC Deltamed owner Dan Gorgan. Subsequently, the ambulances provided by Deltamed came to be used by the Red Cross Foundation, of which Mihaela Geoana was also a member of honor.
In 2015, Cluj Napoca City Hall bought an ambulance from SC Deltamed, a company owned by Dan Vasile Gorgan, the friend of the secretary of state, Raed Arafat. For the auction „Special intervention necessary for the Emergency Situations Department within the Cluj-Napoca City Hall”, the Cluj municipality gave 178,800 lei, without VAT.
In 2016, the Cluj company Deltamed, specialized in business with the Ministry of Health, concluded a contract with Babeș Bolyai University worth 324,500 lei. The contract „Acquisition of independent research facilities, equipment and tools and their components” was awarded through the „invitation to participate” procedure, ie those from UBB launched an invitation to Deltamed, who came up with an offer.
Gorgan renounces his friendship with Arafat
According to Deltamed representatives, „an obsessive theme of a” decades-old friend „who would link” the two former student colleagues „, respectively Dr. Arafat and Mr. Gorgan, the founder of Deltamed. Not only were they not college colleagues, the two were not even university colleagues, one graduating from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (at that time the Institute of Medicine and Pharmaceuticals), the other Babeș-Bolyai University ! Not even the student years overlap only partially. A simple check between former college classmates and friends from that time of the two would show very quickly that they both had other circles of friends. However, no journalist wanted to do such a check, preferring to intoxicate by taking over the story of „student friendship. The connection between the two is strictly professional, without any personal composition, as a friendship should have.
A general of counterintelligence appointed head of IGSU
Brigadier General Dan-Paul Iamandi was appointed head of the IGSU. In November 2015, the National Council for the Study of Security Archives (CNSAS) established that Dan-Paul Iamandi was recruited by military counterintelligence bodies „for the informative classification of the military in the field and of the staff in the unit to „in order to prevent disciplinary violations from military order and discipline””. According to CNSAS, Iamandi used the conspiratorial name „John Popă”, but did not sign a commitment or transmit information to the Security, so that he cannot be assigned the status of collaborator or worker of the Securitate.
300 million euros with sirens
Last fall, IGSU signed with Deltamed, Renault Commercial Roumanie and Ţiriac Auto a four-year framework agreement for the provision of 2,990 ambulances worth 216.68 million euros, excluding VAT. Under this agreement, 780 B 4X2 ambulances will be delivered by Deltamed and Renault Commercial Roumanie, which will collect 51.45 million euros, excluding VAT. Also, also Deltamed and Ţiriac Auto will deliver 2,210 type B 4X4 ambulances worth 165.23 million euros, excluding VAT.