The citizens of Bistrița-Năsăud County can request in case of need the blue and green bags from the town halls of the county, ADI Deşeuri announces.
Currently, the Supercom sanitation operator distributes blue and green bags for collecting recyclable fractions of paper / cardboard and glass from the door of the house once the bags are raised. There are situations in which, for various reasons and independent of the will of the sanitation operator, these collection containers – blue and green bags – do not come into the possession of all users of the sanitation system.
Therefore, ADI Waste Bistrița-Năsăud together with the sanitation operator Supercom distributed to all the town halls in the county a reserve of blue and green bags that the citizens of the localities can request in case of they did not take possession of these collection bags. Citizens of Bistrița Municipality and component localities can pick up blue and green bags from the Supercom SA headquarters, on str. The road of the fortress, no. 9, opposite Rombat.
„Please follow the inscriptions on the blue and green bags and do not mix the recyclable waste with each other. If we do the right thing in our own household and selectively collect the waste, we will hand it over to the sanitation operator, respecting the collection schedule, then, of course, those wastes will never reach nature „, underlines the representatives of ADI Waste.