Following the article „Doubtful” loans between a builder who lifts blocks on the Granicers and a head of finance „published on 22.08.2022 in the Gazette of Bistrita signed by – Andreea Moldovan- in which they presented themselves so as to seem „doubtful” certain aspects related to my person make the following clarifications for the clarification and correct information of readers :
The undersigned Pop Vasile Radu domiciled in Beclean Bistrita Nasaud county, we purchased in 2003 a land with an area of 2303 sqm in Bistrita str.Granicerilor that we sold as follows :
-year 2018 – 516 sqm to LIDL SA Romania at the price of 360343 lei with collection in 2018.
- year 2019 – 1787 sqm to Betlar Construct SRL Bistrita at the price of 207000 euros with collection :
– 2019 60,000 eur – equivalent 284988 lei
– 2020 40000 eur – equivalent 194880 lei
The difference of 107,000 eur becomes maturing at 2 years after obtaining the construction permit (It was obtained in 2021).It is a receivable receivable .
The amounts appear in the wealth declarations related to each year .
Under similar conditions, they sold land to the two companies and former (field) neighbors .
So in reality there is nothing dubious .
The transactions were carried out by notarial documents, and the receipts by bank, in a transparent manner, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.
Pop Vasile Radu